Give You An Honest Opinion On The Value Of Your Home
When homeowners first think of selling their home, the first thought is “How much can I get for my house?” They think back at a flyer they grabbed for a house for sale in the neighborhood. Then they jump on the Internet to use one of the popular home valuation websites. From these steps they usually have a figure in mind for their house.
That process is good for a general idea. To get your house sold quickly, and for top dollar, you’re going to need a professional, full-time Realtor to give you a proper evaluation. That is where I come in. We see every house that is for sale in San Mateo. We track and analyze sales stats on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis. We use this information to determine how your home compares to what has sold recently, and what is currently available on the market.
If you’re looking for an agent that will throw out any number to get the listing, we’re not the ones for you. We don’t want to have to come back to you when your home languishes on the market and ask you for a price reduction. Our goal is always to get you top dollar. Another goal is to successfully close the transaction. So we also have to worry about the house appraising for the contract price. This not only involves pricing the home correctly, but also selecting buyers who have the means to close the transaction.
Know Your Timetable
There is a certain process and timetable that goes with selling a home. Inspections have to take place, and documents need to be signed. During this process, the demands of your everyday life continue. Additionally, as a home seller you also have to worry about moving out and finding a new place to live. Our goal is to truly understand your family’s timetable so we can accommodate it as best as possible. With an understanding of both your schedule and the buyers’ schedule, we are able to usually find solutions that work for everyone if any conflicts arise.
Remove Obstacles
In all transactions there will be bumps in the process (some small, others big). Our job as the real estate professionals is to clearly communicate the problem, then provide you with solutions. As experienced Realtors, we have been a part of thousands of transactions. With that experience we do everything to prevent any issues in the transaction. If an issue does arise, we are capable of handling it.
Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
We are fully transparent throughout the entire process. At the very beginning we will ask you how you would like to be updated (in person, phone call, text, email, carrier pigeon) and frequency. Based on your preferences, we will make sure you know what’s going on at every step in the transaction.
We are proactive on all showings. This means we will contact every agent who shows the property to get feedback. Not only are we determining the interest level of potential buyers, we also want to get honest feedback to see if anything with the property or marketing needs to be changed.
Be Courageous
I know you would never ask us to walk on hot coals. However, we do want you to hold us accountable. As we constantly mention, our goal is to make Your Goals come true. To attain this, we may have to provide you with tough news, or ask you to make difficult decisions. We’d rather present challenging situations to you, with solutions, than sugar coat things that become bigger problems.