It’s almost that time. Here are some start dates for San Mateo area schools.
July 31 YR-Round Schools: K-5 Schools (Beresford, George Hall, Fiesta Gardens, Parkside, Brewer Island, College Park); Middle Schools (Abbott, THE Bayside S.T.E.M. ACADEMY)
Aug 14 San Mateo Union High Schools: Aragon, Hillsdale, San Mateo High Schools
Aug 19 Junipero Serra High School; College of San Mateo
Aug 26 St. Timothy School
Aug 28 Traditional School Year Schools: K-5 Schools (Audubon, Baywood, Foster City, Highlands, Horrall, Laurel, Meadow Heights, North Shoreview, San Mateo Park, Sunnybrae); Middle Schools(Borel, Bowditch)
Sept 3 St. Matthew’s Episcopal Day School
Note: The dates are from school websites. Please refer to school calendars for more details. Thank you!